Full of innovative functions and plenty options for individualisation this new working area concept comes with beautiful colours … to help you finally get organized all your to-dos, tasks and maybe your whole life. A pioneering new way for visualistation, storage and displaying items come hand in hand with more individuality all around the working […]

designing MYMOTION

designing MYMOTION A few years ago we decided to take a closer look at office areas and started to make this Change for special working spaces. So we begun with developing new conecpts for a new and better workflow. Uncountable hours of research, thoughts, trials, explorations… sketches, drawings, concepts, models, prototypes, … led to this […]


art direction and development of the whole product range by Harald Guggenbichler as well as marketing strategy advisory by Heike Guggenbichler – for the brand „insieme“ by Handover/Caritas – produced by handicapped people all over Austria. find some beautiful products:

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